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Welcome to the Tucson Amateur Baseball League!

The Tucson Amateur Baseball League has been a member of the MSBL (Men’s Senior Baseball League) since 1989, and is located in Tucson, Arizona. We provide adult players with an opportunity to play baseball with other players in their own age group and skill level. Our mission is simple; To provide an opportunity for individuals 18 and over to play organized and competitive baseball. We are all wannabes, has beens, never was, but for those three hours we aren’t married, we have no kids, we don’t have bills, and we don’t have jobs. We are in the batter’s box, or on the mound, in the bottom of the 9th with two outs and the bases loaded. Players in the Tucson Amateur Baseball League can participate in one or more of the four (4) age divisions (18+, 25+, 35+, & 45+).

Aside from age eligibility, there are no rules preventing a player from joining a team in any of the four divisions. It all depends on the player’s skill and comfort level on the field. Click here for directions on joining our league. Most games are played on baseball diamonds within the Tucson City Parks system and the Tucson Unified School District system. The fields used include Reid Park Annex, Kino South Annex, and occasionally Santa Rita Park, and a couple of high schools including Amphi and Santa Rita. Click here for Maps and Directions. Our Summer baseball season generally starts the last weekend of March and continues through the month of September. Qualifying teams compete in a double elimination playoff tournament held in late September. The Championship games are held at Kino Sports Stadium, a triple-A stadium formerly used by the Tucson Sidewinders and Tucson Padres.


  • Season begins March 30th
    • $3,800 Early Bird Fee: Due by Feb 28th
    • $4,500 Regular: Due by March 15th
      • Both of these fees are increased by $200 if your teams did not have a representative at the manager’s meeting.
  • 22 Player cap per team (Raised from 20 in 2024)
    • Ineligible for playoffs if your roster exceed 22 players WITH STATS.
  • Minimum games played to be eligible for playoffs is 7 games in all divisions.
  • Courtesy Runner Rule: 2 Runners in every division.  Plus runner for catcher with 2 outs.
    • Runner is Last Recorded Out
  • Time between innings will be enforced at 90 seconds.


  • Season begins April 1st for weeknight, April 7th for Sunday.
  • TEAM FEES: $3,800 Early Bird Fee, decreased from $4,250 in 2023
  • 20 Player cap per team
    • Ineligible for playoffs if you roster exceed 20 players WITH STATS.
  • Run Rules:
    • 15 runs after 7 innings
    • No run rule in playoffs
  • Regular Season Time Changes:
    • Drop dead at 3 hours.
    • Removed “No new inning can start after 2 hours and 45 minutes”


  • Season begins the week of March 26th.
  • 18+ and 25+ will have 2  double headers in the first 3 months.
  • There will be games on Father’s day.
  • Only rainouts or field issues will be rescheduled if possible.  No guarantees.
  • Game stats are automatically locked after 10 days.  Get your stats in!
  • New MLB Rules apply.  2 Pick off max and No shifts.
  • To get the 45+ division up and running a few years ago, the league allowed certain players not of the appropriate age to be grandfathered in to play in that division so we could have a minimum of four teams. Now that the division has grown, we are no longer allowing any grandfathered players to play in any division they were previously eligible for. All players must be of age to play in each division.


  • 3 Strikes & your team is suspended until a $500 fine is paid
  • Every strike after the 3rd is another $500 fine to be reinstated
  • Giving 72+ hours notice of a forfeit = 1 Strike
  • Giving 24-72 hours notice of forfeit = 2 Strikes
  • No call / no Show / Less than 24 hours notice = 3 Strikes

Example – If you already had 3 strikes and have another no call, no show, that is six strikes and a $1500 reinstatement fee.

New Players Read Below

New players need to find a team before registering to play.
If you have added yourself to the Player Pool and have not gotten a call or email, we suggest emailing or calling managers from this list:

BE PROACTIVE! Make some calls to managers. Leave a message. E-mail them.
As you talk to managers, you can discuss what experience you have and get a feel for whether or not it is a good fit.

FAQ here might answer further questions:

Good luck, email if you have questions

Facebook Posts

Each team will receive a 2025 Rule Book. These contain addendums to the MLB Rule Book, that are specifically tailored for MSBL leagues.These rules can also be found on the TucsonMSBL website, and it would be in the Manager's best interest to get familiar with the contents of the Rule Book when they are distributed.We will continue to post a variety of rules on the Facebook page as callouts. ... See MoreSee Less
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2025 Rule:No more than 22 uniformed players allowed in or near dugout during games. If you are not a manager or rostered player, you are not allowed in dugouts. ... See MoreSee Less
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Reminder that teams are required to enter games stats into the website within 10 days of a games completion. Stats need to be complete, meaning you cannot just list that a player had an AB, and call it good. This is addressed in the updated rules that will be posted on the website. ... See MoreSee Less
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